Having finished painting my third League for Pulp Alley I thought I would post the three leagues along with there stats. One of things I have really enjoyed about this rule set is the flexibility and fun involved in designing the leagues and its been very helpful to see what other people have been doing.
Here the first of the three and is my newest league fresh from the painting table:
Members from the International Society of Paranormal and Occult Extermination Teams (P.O.E.T.s)
This league consists of four "members" all Level 3 Sidekick characters using the League of Legends perk.
These are the current "Members" of this league led by the "Captain". Who are they and why are they now "Members" of this exclusive society?

It is possible that the "Captain" once lost brave men under his command during a secret mission that went very wrong and very strange, very quickly..........

It is possible that the "Professor" had spent many a late night studying ancient and forbidden books experimenting with complex mathematics when he conjured something he really wished he hadn't............

It is possible that the "Reverend"s first Parish in a country parish nestled in a secluded valley was not as he had expected; indeed his God may not have been the only one his Parishioners worshiped..........

Whatever he grows this man is tough and with his double barreled shotgun loaded with his specially designed "buck" shot he is lethal at close range. The "Farmer" doesn't go down easy but then he isn't the best at dodging bullets either.
It is possible that the "Farmer" once had a loving family in a flourishing small holding but one day he found something growing on his land that no sane person would want to plant.............
I will be adding new characters to this league as I find suitable figures that I want to paint and will create variety. In addition to completing this league I also painted up some extras:
"Top Hat" Jack is an escaped asylum inmate. He has a tendency to wander around graveyards in the dead of night. He has worked as a body snatcher in the past but often succumbed to his urges to commit mutilation and render them useless to the Doctors and medical students he would sell them to.
He will usually be a wandering Peril in my games but may occasionally join the Cult if it satisfies his urges.
Light House Keeper, watchman, old sailor, warehouse guard etc.... This chap is very versatile as either a plot point or peril.
Next on the painting table is my second "Bad guy" league; Dr Kripps and His Company of Creations which will give my games an element of pulpy weird science.
Stay tuned for hopefully more regular updates............